Originally a central shoe warehouse, today the administrative background of CREAM Real Estate and a number of companies that use large spaces mainly as warehouses. The building with descriptive number 34 is used in this way today, for example, by the company ALPINE, Baťa and in the near future also by the Zlín-based manufacturer of stylish footwear Vasky.
"The connection with Vasky made sense to us from the first moment they showed interest in our premises. The production of footwear belongs to the former Baťa complex, all the more so if it is a company with Zlín roots such as Vasky,“ comments Martin Jarolím, the company's director, on the conclusion of the lease agreement. The interior 34 of the building is very variable with regard to the layout. "When Vasky came up with the idea that they needed less than 3,000 m² for warehouses and light production, we knew exactly that we could meet them for their satisfaction," Jarolím continues. All Baťa's industrial buildings are designed to respond flexibly and quickly to current needs. "This is the basis of the success of Tomas Bata's business," concludes Jarolim. Administrative facilities, freight elevators and loading ramps are a necessary bonus.
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