We are delighted with the opening of the new Pepco store, which took place on October 31, 2022 at the 12th building in the Svit industrial complex in Zlín. This will be Pepco's third store in Zlín and the surrounding area, but the first time it will be showing a new identity.
At the end of October, Pepco opened its first store in the Czech Republic, which will appear in new colours. The former combination of blue, red and yellow will now be replaced by a blend of blue and pink. The store's new identity is only being flaunted in Poland so far.
The timing of the store's unveiling could not have been more fitting. With Christmas time approaching, many people have the opportunity to choose gifts under the tree from their range of clothes for the whole family, basic household equipment and small decorations.
"I am delighted that CREAM has given space to the Pepco store, which will be the first to present the new brand identity in the Czech Republic. I believe that thanks to its convenient location, it will also enjoy a large number of visitors," said Pavlína Jemelková Srkalová, director of the marketing department at CREAM Real Estate s.r.o.
The new store will ensure easy accessibility for its visitors. It is close to the bus and train station, parking at the 34th building is a matter of course. The Czech Post Office, Svoboda and Březík bakery and Dr. Max pharmacy are also nearby.
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