The HOUSE 64 properties in Zlín, warehouses 103 and 123, the Panorama shopping center in Jižní Svazy and the DUHA retail center in Ostrava Poruba will be largely energy self-sufficient, and with minimal environmental impact. Photovoltaic panels are installed on the roofs everywhere.
A total of 6,800 m² of photovoltaic panels with a total output of 730 kWp and a battery capacity of 910 kWh will be installed. "The panels will cover approximately 15,000 m² of roofs on the affected properties," explains Martin Jarolím, the company's director. Annually, solar panels produce 1000 MWh of electricity. 60 percent of them will cover the total consumption above mentioned properties. The solar system also includes a battery storage system, which stores unused energy for later consumption and use. The solar panel system will be controlled by intelligent software that can be controlled from anywhere via a smart application on a mobile device. "I believe that our tenants will also appreciate not only the practical side of the solution, but especially the fact that they cooperate with a company that is not afraid to invest in development and innovation," adds Jarolím.
CREAM Real Estate thus openly subscribes to the European Green Agreement, which was also approved by the Government of the Czech Republic in May last year. So called „Green Deal“ deals with reducing greenhouse gas emissions in energy, industry, transport and agriculture. The goal is to achieve carbon neutrality in the EU by 2050.Aby pro vás bylo prohlížení našich stránek co nejpohodlnější, využíváme soubory cookies.Cookies nám slouží pro zlepšování našich služeb a zároveň vám díky nim dokážeme lépe nabídnout obsah, který pro vás může být zajímavý a užitečný.
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