ZA SKLEM o.s., an organization that offers support to people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) so that they can live, work and learn in a normal environment, has opened a Day Services Centre. The premises they treat are located on the top floor of the MORAVÁK building in Brno.
ZA SKLEM o.s. is one of our biggest clients who does very meritorious work, so we were honored to attend the grand opening of this Day Services Center on Friday, September 30, 2022, and cut the ribbon.
The Day Services Centre was built on the 8th floor of the MORAVÁK building. ZA SKLEM o.s. has thus expanded not only its premises in the centre of the Moravian metropolis, but also its services as such.
The premises are perfectly illuminated and the whole preparation was carried out in a modern and minimalist spirit. They were originally in a Shell and Core state, i.e. before completion, so they could be tailored to our important client, who also has specific requirements arising from its activities. Construction preparations took less than three months.
As part of the opening, we toured the facilities of the Day Services Centre and learned about the activities that the organization carries out. Special educators, speech therapists, psychologists and social workers were of course present.
FOR THE GLASS o.s. presented its work with children and adults on the autism spectrum. We were also very pleased with the accompanying program such as musical performances, demonstrations of work and aids or the opportunity to discuss with social workers.
In addition, there was an interesting exhibition of UNDERSTANDING in the permanent gallery of the Blue Café.
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