Design block 22
As a provider of space, we are naturally interested in current
events in the field of product design, which can then be used to complete the
given space. That's why we went to Designblok for inspiration, and we weren't
disappointed in the slightest by this year's offer. From comfortable seating
and office furniture to aesthetic, yet fully functional bathroom equipment to
fire extinguishers that are more like a decorative element.
The theme of this year's Prague International Design Festival was
nature in its rawest form, LES. The spaces in which this year's 24th Designblok
took place were the Prague jungle with two main locations. The first of them,
Gabriel Loci, is a former monastery adapted to an administrative environment,
which simultaneously presents its novelties to exhibitors. There were
definitely no limits to imagination here. From a space transformed in the
forest full of toys (not only) for children to a room covered in gold from
ceiling to floor, reminiscent of the very core of jewelry.
For a moment to absorb all the impressions, the Designerie in the
very heart of the space was the ideal place, where you could sit with a cup of
coffee and a dessert or listen to lectures and debates as part of the
accompanying program.
The second stop was the magnificent premises of the Museum of
Arts and Crafts, which had its own sub-theme PRALES. Only Czech artists
exhibited in its premises, for example with the continuation of the Rodinné
stríbro exhibition and the exhibition of historical glass by Vojtěch Lány.
Full of impressions and new ideas, we are back in Zlín, where we
are already working to ensure that our ideas do not remain only on paper and
that they can be shared with you as soon as possible.
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